Park Buildings
Park Buildings are available for a 9-hour time block, including your set-up and clean-up. Special requests for a 15-hour reservation (8:00 am-11:00 pm) or reserving a park building before 10am on the weekend is available for certain Park Buildings. If you are interested in one of these options, please email Park Permits Office at[email protected] to make this request.
Reservations must be made three business days in advance.
All holiday bookings must be made two weeks in advance.
For a complete
listing of holidays, please contact our office Monday-Friday 8:30 am-5:00
pm at 301-699-2400.
If you are interested in viewing one of the park buildings in person, please click here, then click Park Building and scroll down to Request An In-Person Park Building Viewing.
For a complete list of Rules & Regulations, please click here.