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Majorette Dance: Mixed Ages - 23672

Does your child like the show "Bring It!" or watch cheer videos on social media all day or do they just love to dance? Our program is the perfect activity for them to explore firsthand what it is like to be a Majorette! Majorette dance involves a wide range of dance styles including Hip Hop, Jazz, Contemporary, other techniques including cheer! Youth will also learn fitness routines, conditioning, and proper stretch techniques. Start training to be a Majorette with our Dynamic Divas Workshop!
1 Sections
Add to cart Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Cost Availability Column #11
Add To Selection List 23672-132a Majorette Dance: Mixed Ages 01/04/2025 -01/04/2025 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Sa Harmony Hall Regional Center 8-15.99 $50.00/$65.00 Available