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Gymnastics: Trampoline & Tumbling, Beginner - 27211

Prerequisites: Trampoline skills: tuck and straddle jumps, seat drop. Floor skills: forward roll, kick to handstand. The class will go over the basic fundamentals of all three events in trampoline, tumbling, and double-mini trampoline. The basic fundamentals will include proper body control, rolling, balancing skills, landings, body shapes, position jumps, and position drops. The instructor will tailor the students workout based on skill ability.
1 Sections
Add to cart Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Cost Availability Column #11
Unavailable 27211-523C Gymnastics: Trampoline & Tumbling, Beginning 09/06/2024 -11/22/2024* 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm F Fairland Sports Complex 6-8.99 Unavailable