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Arts and Crafts: Mixed Ages - 15609

Bring out the creative genius in you! Be inspired to go where your imagination takes you in our fun class of making and decorating various crafts. Join us to grow in your self-confidence and self-expression.
Here is a twist of using corks to make a tray. Now, this one is a little bit different and cool. You could even use these as a plant holder if you wanted to! All supplies included. If you have wine corks, bring them. The more we have, the bigger the tray.
1 Sections
Add to cart Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Cost Availability Column #11
Unavailable 15609-106C BHCC - Making A Wine Cork Tray 12/05/2024 -12/05/2024 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm Th Berwyn Heights Elementary School 18-150 Unavailable