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WebTrac Activity Search

Search ResultsShowing results 1-1 of 1

Karate: Mixed Ages, Beginner - 21605

Enjoy this ancient form of self-defense and fighting. Learn basic karate moves and techniques. Karate will: build your self-confidence, fighting skills, stamina, reflex reactions, improve coordination, and give you a toned physique. Get fit and empowered as you build relationships with learners new to this sport!
1 Sections
Add to cart Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Cost Availability Column #11
Add To Waitlist 21605-141AA Karate: Mixed Ages, Beginning 12/28/2024 -02/15/2025 11:00 am -12:00 pm Sa Lake Arbor Community Center 5-12.99 $80.00/$104.00 Waitlist