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Hand Dance: Seniors - 23510

Learn the area's hottest dance style! Evolving from the Lindy Hop and Jitterbug, this is a form of swing style partner dance full of aerobic fitness benefits. You'll expand your social circle, lift your mood, and develop dance skills others will envy. From beginners to the more experienced, we'll have all levels of dancers on the floor.
Hand Dance is an improvisational form of swing style partner dancing developed in the Washington, DC area in the early 1950s. Come out and learn some contemporary steps travel and walk, walk with a ½ left turn, left and right passes using the basic six count step, plus, hand dancing etiquette 4 week class.
1 Sections
Add to cart Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Cost Availability Column #11
Unavailable 23510-511B Hand Dance: Seniors 10/21/2024 -11/25/2024 11:00 am -12:30 pm M Camp Springs Senior Activity Center 60-150 Unavailable