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Meet & Make - 22674

Meet a critter and get crafty! Kids will enjoy an up close visit with a nature center animal and learn what makes them special. Discover how each animal is unique. Use what you have learned to create a craft about that animal. This is a great way to understand conservation and nature. Sign up today and connect with other kids excited about critter crafting.
Meet a critter and get crafty! Kids will enjoy an up close visit with a nature center animal and learn what makes them special. Discover how each animal is unique. Use what you have learned to create a craft about that animal. This is a great way to understand conservation and nature. Sign up today and connect with other kids excited about critter crafting.
1 Sections
Add to cart Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Cost Availability Column #11
Unavailable 22674-588B Meet & Make: Aaah, Arachnids! 10/10/2024 -10/10/2024 10:00 am -10:45 am Th Watkins Nature Center 2-7.99 Unavailable