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No Limit Entrepreneurs Travel Camp - 166125

Calling all inventors, creatives, builders, and designers ages 12-16! Whether you feel you have the next big idea, want to run your own business, or just want to learn how to create things on your own, come join us for a summer full of creativity and adventures! Develop friendships with others who are business-minded and get inspired to achieve your entrepreneurial dreams. Learn about financial literacy, marketing, advertising; create a business plan; and develop and pitch ideas. Each day, youth will enjoy a variety of activities such as t-shirt and sneaker design, digital media, and more! Participants will also travel and experience fun field trips. Please note: some trips may require nominal fees.
Calling all inventors, creatives, builders, and designers ages 12-16! Whether you feel you have the next big idea, want to run your own business, or just want to learn how to create things on your own, come join us for a summer full of creativity and adventures! Develop friendships with others who are business-minded and get inspired to achieve your entrepreneurial dreams. Learn about financial literacy, marketing, advertising; create a business plan; and develop and pitch ideas. Each day, youth will enjoy a variety of activities such as t-shirt and sneaker design, digital media, and more! Participants will also travel and experience fun field trips. Please note: some trips may require nominal fees.
1 Sections
Add to cart Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Cost Availability Column #11
Add To Waitlist 166125-332A No Limit Entrepreneurs Travel Camp 07/22/2024 -08/02/2024 9:00 am - 4:30 pm M, Tu, W, Th, F Harmony Hall Regional Center 12-16 $350.00/$455.00 Waitlist