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Art Camp: Digital Media - 16603

A picture is worth a thousand words! Have fun with a digital camera making stop motion animation, learning Photoshop, creating t-shirts, and shooting great pictures. Our camp will help you achieve your photographic dreams as you visit a television studio where they use the biggest cameras, explore the grounds of the Montpelier Manson, and build a photographic portfolio. Show off your work in our exhibit at the end of the summer!
Imagination can be your strongest asset. Spark your creativity with us in this camp where you'll use digital cameras and programs on Mac computers to produce various media projects. Take professional level photographs, edit and created images in Photoshop, produce your own sound tracks in GarageBand, and master a wide array of media. Join us to jumpstart your design skills today.
1 Sections
Add to cart Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Cost Availability Column #11
Add To Waitlist 16603-348A Art Camp: Digital Media 07/22/2024 -08/02/2024 9:00 am - 4:30 pm M, Tu, W, Th, F Montpelier Arts Center 12-16.99 $330.00/$429.00 Waitlist