Academic Enrichment: STEAM, Mixed Ages - 20617
Academic Enrichment: STEAM, Mixed Ages
Academic Enrichment: STEAM, Mixed Ages
Cultivate youth to embrace STEAM as a potential future career. Build reflective problem solving, creative and critical thinking behaviors. Engage students in complex and rich interdisciplinary STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) content which nurtures spatial reasoning skills. Embed STEAM background knowledge through real world authentic tasks designed to support self-efficacy through a growth mindset.
Step right up where numbers come to life and fun is the main attraction. Carnival games, crafts, activities, financial literacy
and puzzles designed to ignite your love for math. Refreshments while supplies last.
and puzzles designed to ignite your love for math. Refreshments while supplies last.
Charge When Not Billed:
Mathpoloza (Standard Fee): $12.00 = $12.00
Charge When Not Billed:
Mathpoloza (Standard Fee): $16.00 = $16.00