Gymnastics: Gym Kids - 27102
Gymnastics: Gym Kids
Gymnastics: Gym Kids
Do you have an elastic, gymnastic kid in your house? Stretch their imagination and bodies in this fun class of skill development on all gymnastics equipment! We emphasize mastering basic locomotive development, socialization, and listening skills.
Students enrolled in a preschool gymnastics classes must be potty-trained and no longer wearing pull ups or diapers. Instructors can not take your child to the bathroom so please have your child use the bathroom before class. Please stay in the observation room in case you child needs to go to the restroom during class.
There are no classes: Dec. 23 - Jan 1
There are no classes: Dec. 23 - Jan 1
Charge When Not Billed:
Registration Fee (Standard Fee): $180.00 = $180.00
Charge When Not Billed:
Registration Fee (Standard Fee): $234.00 = $234.00