Ticket Information

Details for Message Session I Hip-Hop: Nomad the Native, Samoris, Rayonte

Current Transaction Date on or after 08/01/24.Individuals who have been suspended by Park Police will be ineligible for registration.Registration will not be permitted for accounts that have unpaid debt balances.

$15.00 = $15.00

This session brings local artists Nomad the Native, Samoris, and Rayonte to Harmony Hall Arts Center. Nomads music is hip-hop with a mix of fun energy, introspection, and groove focused production. In his craft is attempts to convey: "we all go through trials and tribulations in some sort and expressing that in whatever makes sense to us helps us be feel less alone; more alive".
Samoris was raised to be a go getter. From his perspective: "intentions are secondary to actions and Intentional Love conquers fear and negativity".
Rayonte is all about making the audience members feel positive. He vividly explains: "I want them to feel like themselves, it's not an image being portrayed. When you hear my music, you hear yourself."