Ticket Information

Details for Cristiana Drapkin

Current Transaction Date on or after 08/01/24.Individuals who have been suspended by Park Police will be ineligible for registration.Registration will not be permitted for accounts that have unpaid debt balances.

$22.00 = $22.00

Drawing inspiration from legends like Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, and Carmen McRae, as well as modern greats such as Anita O'Day and Annie Ross, Christina Drapkin delivers soulful ballads and scat improvisations with unparalleled depth and artistry. Her rich tradition of jazz standards, honed in New Orleans and New York, showcases improvisation and harmonic development reminiscent of bebop legends like Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie. With multiple acclaimed albums, including "Songs About You," Drapkin continues to captivate audiences with her enchanting voice and innovative vision.