Ticket Information

Details for Daniela Soledade & Nate Najar

Current Transaction Date on or after 08/01/24.Individuals who have been suspended by Park Police will be ineligible for registration.Registration will not be permitted for accounts that have unpaid debt balances.

$22.00 = $22.00

Harmony Hall Arts Center
10701 Livingston Rd, Fort Washington, MD, 20744

Daniela Soledade and Nate Najar's captivating Bossa Nova performances have resonated in jazz-loving capitals like Paris and London, blending English and Portuguese songs with tender beauty and syncopated rhythms. Rooted in a pandemic-era livestream series, their repertoire spans generations, showcasing Daniela's Brazilian music heritage and celebrating the genre romantically. With Soledade's soulful vocals and Najar's guitar virtuosity, their performance promises an unforgettable journey into love and tradition. It's a unique fusion of irresistible voice, guitar prowess, and deep affection - an homage to venerable music.