Ticket Information

Details for Sneaker Design Workshop

Current Transaction Date on or after 08/01/24.Age older than or equal to 0.00 and younger than or equal to 150.00. The date used for calculating the age is Item Begin Date.Individuals who have been suspended by Park Police will be ineligible for registration.Registration will not be permitted for accounts that have unpaid debt balances.

$20.00 = $20.00

In the Soles of Imagination shoe design workshop, participants take charge of the entire brand process. They create color concepts, choose brand and shoe names, and determine the perfect look and price for their brand. Imagination is encouraged, resulting in unique designs. As they design their shoes, students ponder their dreams: How would it feel for these dreams to come true? How would they see themselves? How would the world perceive them? At the course's end, participants walk in the spirit of their desired dreams.