Ticket Information

Details for Soulflexology

Current Transaction Date on or after 08/01/24.Individuals who have been suspended by Park Police will be ineligible for registration.Registration will not be permitted for accounts that have unpaid debt balances.

$5.00 = $5.00

Harmony Hall Arts Center
10701 Livingston Rd, Fort Washington, MD, 20744

Soulflexology is a holistic approach to wellness that combines the principles of reflexology with a focus on emotional and spiritual well-being. By applying pressure to specific points on the feet, hands, and ears, Soulflexology aims to stimulate energy flow throughout the body, promoting relaxation, stress relief, and overall balance. This practice not only benefits physical health but also addresses emotional blockages and spiritual alignment, fostering a sense of harmony and connection within oneself. Soulflexology offers a unique way to nurture both the body and the soul, promoting a deeper sense of well-being and vitality.